Improving the health, safety, and quality of life of our youngest patients

Medical devices designed for kids lag five to ten years behind adult technologies. We are funded by the FDA’s Office of Orphan Products Development to help pediatric device innovators accelerate high-value, high-impact solutions towards commercialization and clinical use.

Our Mission

The UCSF-Stanford PDC aims to improve the health, safety, and quality of life of pediatric patients by accelerating high-value, high impact pediatric device solutions at all stages of the total product lifecycle towards commercialization.

UCSF Stanford PDC Accelerator Pitch 2025 

On March 17, ten projects will compete for up to $75,000 in funding, plus expert advise and prototyping support. Everyone is invited to join the 2025 UCSF Stanford Pediatric Device Consortium Accelerator  Pitch  at Stanford University Campus- either in person or on virtually.

   Key Details:

Attend virtually or in person at Stanford University

Register here  

Our Finalists are:

· AVaTAR (Aortic Valve Trileaflet Autologous Reconstruction): A pediatric surgical device to reconstruct growth-accommodating valves using autologous pericardium, ensuring precision and efficiency; AVaTAR MedTech

· EZSpeech: An AI-powered speech therapy app that guides children with engaging exercises, assesses progress, and provides real-time feedback; EzSpeech AI

· MadSci Smart Shunt: A first-in-class electromechanical CSF shunt that monitors intracranial pressure and optimizes treatment for hydrocephalus patients; Madison Scientific Inc. & University of Wisconsin-Madison

· Nen: Evidence-based health designed for children’s minds to improve their lives; Nen Health

· P-EVPS (Pediatric Ex Vivo Preservation System): Novel pediatric organ preservation system; Stanford University

· RAPIDscan: Pediatric self-driving ultrasound system; Bloom Standard Inc.

· Soluu: A wearable bedwetting mitigation device; Global Continence Inc.

· Sonura Beanie: A beanie hat that provides auditory protection and parental connection for infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome to promote growth and development; Sonura Care Inc. & University of Pennsylvania

· Trach Sense: A lifesaving monitoring device for pediatric tracheostomy patients; Children's National Hospital

· UltraTrac: An ultrasound-guided continuous noninvasive hemodynamic monitor with data analytics; AcQumen Medical

UCSF Stanford PDC Pitch Competition 2025 will be at Stanford University on Monday, March 17, 2025.



Learn about our tiers of support for pediatric device innovators.


Congratulations to the PDC Accelerator Shark Tank 2020 awardees!


Resources and video learning modules for pediatric device innovators.


Harness the power of real-world evidence in your innovation.


INNOVATORS FORUM: Tuesdays, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific, Virtual via Zoom
If you are interested in attending or presenting at a future Innovators Forum, please email
